
Prepare children to use Bibles in school: Letter

Prepare children to use Bibles in school: Letter

Fortunately, the school district my children attend has decided to ignore Bible references in the classroom, but if that changes, I encourage everyone to prepare their children for it.

My children will be prepared. Ready to educate the other children about what the Bible actually says about important issues. Issues like killing babies, raping your own father, murdering the men who rape your sister, torture and crucifixion.

These are not necessarily topics I want to teach my children in school, but the state’s schools superintendent, Ryan Walters, is subject to an ideology that he must conform to, and so here we are.

What stands out in the Bible, however, is any mention of the United States, its history, or its people. The idea of ​​using it as a teaching tool therefore rings hollow, and I think that strikes anyone with a pulse and an IQ above 90.

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I know the Koch activist group Americans for Prosperity is doing mail for Gov. Kevin Stitt’s administration, so I’m wondering how much they are behind this initiative and whether they will cover the costs of defending against lawsuits. Or will this just be another silly mandate that Oklahoma taxpayers will have to pay to defend in court?

But now we’re finally in the top 10 countries! Top 10 when it comes to giving power to weird idiots with a grudge where there should be a personality running us.

Is this a great state or what?

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July 31, 2024 video via OSDE Facebook In June, Walters said at an earlier meeting that “every classroom in the state will have a Bible.”